5:31 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on North Green Street to assist EMS with a patient transport.
10:27 a.m. Officers responded to Devon Wood Apartments, 137 Captain Bill Road, for an unwanted guest in an apartment.
1:45 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on Sister's Ferry Road for a welfare check on a dog.
5:50 p.m. Officers responde dto East Main Street for a report of two females arguing in the roadway.
6:18 p.m. Officers responded to the Piggly Wiggly, 10847 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, for property damage to a vehicle caused by a shopping cart.
8:18 p.m. Officers responded to the 20 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving one vehicle. No injuries were reported.
12:17 a.m. Officers responded to New Hong Kong Restaurant, 8176 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
1:02 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Sister's Ferry Road for an activated alarm.
10:31 a.m. A brown semi was reported as driving recklessly at the 22 mile marker south bound on I-95.
11:35 a.m. Officers responded to the Piggly Wiggly, 10847 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, for a vehicle collision in the parking lot involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
11:50 a.m. Officers responded to North Jacob Smart Boulevard for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
3:29 p.m. A silver Honda van was reported as driving recklessly at the 19 mile marker south bound on I-95.
3:52 p.m. A Fed-Ex truck was reported as driving recklessly at the 27 mile marker south bound on I-95.
4:23 p.m. Officers responded to Vaigneir Funeral Home, 6802 Tillman Road, for a larceny. The incident remains under further invesyigation.
5:04 p.m. Officers responded to Malphrus Street for a suspicious vehicle.
5:33 p.m. A blue van was reported as driving recklessly at the 26 mile marker south bound on I-95.
6:54 p.m. Officers responded to Woodridge Apartments, 414 South Logan Street, for a report of an accidental discharge of a firearm. The incident remains under further investigation.
7:55 p.m. Offiers responded to the Piggly Wiggly, 10847 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, for a report of a male subject panhandling in the parking lot.
9:06 p.m. Officers responded to the 19 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a report of a snake in a vehicle.
4:24 a.m. A white sedan was reported as driving recklessly at the 17 mile marker north bound on I-95.
7:38 a.m. Officers responded to the Day's Inn, 8216 East Main Street, for a vehicle collision in the parking lot involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
10:47 a.m. Officers responded to the 18 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
12:11 p.m. Officers responded to South Green Street for a civil matter.
4:23 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on Sailfish Circle for a report of property damage. The incident remains under further investigation.
4:58 p.m. A black Toyota Tundra was reported as driving recklessly at on Old House Road.
5:23 p.m. Officers responded to Ingram Street for a report fo illegal dumping. The debris was removed by the reposnsible party.
5:28 p.m. Officers responded to Day's Inn, 8216 East Main Street, for a report of a suspicious female in the parking lot.
5:47 p.m. Officers responded to Turpin Park, 901 North Logan Street, for a report of people arguing on the playground.
4:03 a.m. Officers responded to New Hong Kong Restaurant, 8176 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
11:18 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Dolphin Drive for a larceny from a vehicle. The incident remains under further investigation.
9:20 p.m. Officers responded to Bay Tree Apartments, 107 1st Avenue, for a report of loud music.
12:25 p.m. Officers responded to Shade Tree Street for a report of loud music.
6:11 a.m. Officers responded to New Hong Kong Restaurant, 8176 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
7:40 a.m. Officers responded to Burger King, 8257 East Main Street, to assist EMS with a pateint transport.
9:02 p.m. Officers responded to James LL. Taylor Drive for a semi parked in the roadway.
9:40 a.m. Officers responded to the old school on North Logan Street for a report of vandalism. The incident remains under further investiagtion.
11:22 a.m. Officers responded to the roadway of South Green Street for a domestic dispute between a male and female subject.
2:54 p.m. A silver Toyota Tundra was reported as driving recklessly at the 15 mile marker north bound on I-95.
4:40 p.m. Officers responded to the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Green Street for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
6:11 p.m. Officers responded to Wendy's, 8480 Grahamville Road, for a report of a stolen wallet.
6:57 p.m. Officers responded to Kingdom Touch Ministries, 6714 Tillman Road, for an attempted burglary. The incident remains under further investigation.
8:50 p.m. Officers responded to McDonald's, 8548 Grahamville Road, for a report of a suspicious male subject in the parking lot.
12:34 a.m. Officers responded to Bailey Lane to assist the Ridgeland Fire Department with a structure fire.
8:56 a.m. Officers responded to Tillman Road for a tree in the roadway.
4:51 p.m. Officers responded to Shade Tree Street for a report of dogs running at large.
5:33 p.m. Officers responded to Dolphin Drive for a report of property damage. The incident remains under further investigation.
6:12 p.m. Officers responded to Perry Street for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. One person was transported by EMS to a local hospital.
7:48 p.m. Officers responded to Oak Ridge North for a breach of trust vehicle. The vehicle was returned later.
8:52 p.m. Officers responded to Plantation Inn, 11433 North Jacob Smart Bouelevard, to assist EMS with a patient transport.
12:43 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Shade Tree Street for a report of a suspicious person in the yard.
1:49 a.m. Officers responded to East Main Street for a motorist assist.
3:16 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Shade Tree Street for a domestic dispute between a male and female subject.
6:17 p.m. A Chevrolet Avalanche was reported as driving recklessly on South Jacob Smart Boulevard.
6:50 p.m. Officers responded to the Dollar General, 8123 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
7:48 a.m. Officers responded to the BP Station, 10728 South Jacob Smart Boulevard, for a reporty of an intoxicated subject on the property. The subject was gone when officers arrived.
9:19 p.m. Officers responded to Burger King, 8257 East Main Street, for a vehicle collision in the parking lot involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
9:47 p.m. Officers responded to the 17 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
10:09 p.m. Officers responded ot the 19 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving one vehicle. No injuries were reported.
10:11 p.m. Officers responded to the 21 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
7:35 a.m. Officers responded to East Main Street for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
8:02 a.m. Officers responded to Coosaw Scenic Drive for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
10:04 a.m. Officers responded to Oak Ridge North for a report of chickens making noises.
12:57 p.m. A red semi was reportred as driving recklessly at the 25 mile marker south bound on I-95.
1:35 p.m. Officers responded to the Jasper County Court House, 358 3rd Avenus, for a vehicle collison in the parking lot involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
3:33 p.m. Officers responded to Heron Crossing Apartments, 72 Heron Crossing, for a report of a stray cat.
5:19 p.m. A blue semi was reported as driving recklessly at the 14 mile marker north bound on I-95.
7:30 p.m. Officers responded to South Logan Street for a report of two suspicious males in the roadway.
12:07 a.m. Officers responded to Shade Tree Street for a report of loud noises.
1:00 p.m. Officers rewsponded to the Department of Mental Health, 1510 Grays Highway, for a report of a suspicious person.
2:26 p.m. A grey sedan was reported as driving recklessly at the 23 mile marker south bound on I-95.
2:44 p.m. A school bus was reported as driving recklessly on Bees Creek Road.
3:00 p.m. Officers responded to the Sunoco Station, 11965 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, for a report of a female subject panhandling in the parking lot.
8:04 p.m. Officers responded to East Wilson Street for a report of two male subjects arguing in the roadway.
9:25 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on Graham Hall South for a report of lost property while the property owner was at the baseball fields in Ridgeland.
12:12 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Shade Tree Street for an assault and battery. Officers were able to determine thta the incident did not occurr and no charges were filed.
4:11 a.m. Officers responded to New Hong Kong Restaurant, 8176 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
9:45 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Captain Bill Road for a welfare check on a resident.
12:38 p.m. Officers responded to Burger King, 8257 East Main Street, for a vehicle collision in the parking lot involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
9:53 p.m. Officers responded to the BP Station, 80 Blue Heron Drive, for a report of a male subject panhandling in the parking lot.
11:51 p.m. Officers responded to Bay Tree Apartments, 107 1st Avenue, for a report of loud music.
12:28 a.m. Officers responded to the 19 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
5:56 p.m. Officers responded to the 21 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
5:57 p.m. Officers responded to Bay Tree Apartments, 107 1st Avenue, for a domestic dispute.
11:44 p.m. Officers responded to Shade Tree Street to assist EMS.
6:22 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Ward Court for a vehicle break-in. The incident remains under further investigation.
11:16 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on West Woodlawn Street for an argument between a father and son.
2:02 p.m. Officers responded to the Quality Inn, 221 James L. Taylor Drive, for a customer refusing to leave a room after check out time.
3:52 p.m. An orange van was reported as driving recklessly at the 30 mile marker south bound on I-95.
4:43 p.m. A red Dodge truck was reported as driving recklessly at the 15 mile marker north bound on I-95.
11:05 p.m. Officers responded to North Green Street for a motorist assist.
11:29 p.m. A white Chevrolet van was reported as driving recklessly at the 21 mile marker north bound on I-95.
4:32 a.m. Officers responded to Day’s Inn, 8216 East Main Street, for a civil matter.
9:36 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Trout Street for a report of a lost pocketbook. The pocketbook was later located by a citizen and returned to the owner.
3:35 p.m. Officers responded to B&T’s Food Fresh, 8205 East Main Street, for a shoplifting incident. The incident remains under further investigation.
3:58 p.m. Officers responded to West Main Street for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
3:35 a.m. Officers responded to the Plantation Inn, 11433 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, to assist EMS with a patient transport.
8:49 a.m. Officers responded to Badcock Furniture, 10213 South Jacob Smart Boulevard, for an activated alarm.
1:30 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on Colony Drive for an open door.
1:43 p.m. A white Lincoln SUV was reported as driving recklessly at the 21 mile marker south bound on I-95.
5:21 p.m. Officers responded to Wise Street for a report of a dog running at large.
7:11 p.m. Officers responded to North Jacob Smart Boulevard for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
11:26 a.m. Officers responded to Regions Bank, 11004 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, for an activated alarm.
12:07 p.m. Officers responded to Sycamore Drive for a welfare check on a pedestrian.
12:26 p.m. Officers responded to B&T Food Fresh, 8205 East Main Street, for a shoplifting incident.
12:29 p.m. Offiers responded to Ridgeland Weekly Rentals, 67 West Woodlawn Street, for a welfare check on a resident.
3:15 p.m. Offiers responded to Captain Bill Road for a vehicle collision involving one vehicle. One person was transported by EMS to a local hospital.
3:18 p.m. A white truck was reported as driving reckl;essly on Old House Road.
7:18 p.m. Officers responded to the 18 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
7:33 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on East Adams Street for an activated alarm.
8:35 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on Brandon Cove for a welfare check on a resident.
8:00 a.m. Officers responded to Green Street Storage, 261 South Green Street, for a report of damage to a fence.
10:09 a.m. A black Toyota Camry was reported as driving recklessly on Old House Road.
11:36 a.m. Officers responded to the 22 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
4:32 p.m. Officers responded to Bay Tree Apartments, 107 1st Avenue, for a domestic dispute.
7:00 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on East Adams Street for an activated alarm.
8:20 p.m. Officers responded to East Main Street for a report of two suspicious people walking near the roadway.
9:09 a.m. A white Chevrolet sedan was reported as speeding at the 24 mile marker south bound on I-95.
1:49 p.m. Officers responded to the Enmarket Station, 8250 East Main Street, for a report of young children running in the parking lot.
5:08 p.m. Officers responded to Kingdom Touch Ministries, 6714 Tillman Road, for an activated alarm.
6:46 p.m. A grey GMC Terrain was reported as driving recklessly at the 28 mile marker south bound on I-95.
2:48 a.m. Officers responded to New Hong Kong Restaurant, 8176 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
6:18 p.m. Officers responded to South State Bank, 10671 South Jacob Smart Boulevard, for an activated alarm.
6:37 p.m. Officers met with a complainant on South Railroad Avenue in reference to a road rage incident.
6:53 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on East Woodlawn Avenue for an activated alarm.
8:32 p.m. Officers responded to the BP Station, 80 Blue Heron Drive, after a moving truck struck the building and left the scene. The incident remains under further investigation.
9:10 p.m. Officers responded to Captain Bill Road for a vehicle collision involving one vehicle. One person was transported to a local hospital.
6:38 a.m. Officers responded to the 21 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
8:01 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on West Adams Street for an activated alarm.
9:58 a.m. A black BMW sedan was reported as driving recklessly at the 26 mile marker south bound on I-95.
1:57 p.m. Officers responded to Oak Plantation Drive for a suspicious vehicle.
10:27 pm. Officers responded to new Hong Kong Restaurant, 8176 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
12:56 a.m. Officers responded to Waffle House, 8185 East Main Street, for a report of a suspicious male subject.
12:59 a.m. Officers responded to 1st Avenue for a report of loud music.
1:19 a.m. Officers responded to Shade Tree Street for two roommates arguing.
3:48 a.m. Officers responded to Ridgeland Correctional Institution, 5 Correctional Road, for a female in the parking lot needing EMS.
8:02 a.m. Officers responded to the 22 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving a vehicle and a turkey. No injuries were reported.
10:26 a.m. A black Chrysler 300 was reported as driving recklessly at the 25 mile marker south bound on I-95.
10:47 a.m. A burgundy semi was reported as driving recklessly at the 18 mile marker north bound on I-95.
11:10 a.m. Officers responded to the 18 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
4:19 p.m. Officers responded to the 22 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
5:07 p.m. Officers responded to the 17 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
7:05 p.m. Officers responded to a residence on Brandon Cove for an activated alarm.
3:20 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on McTeer Street for a runaway juvenile. The juvenile was located three hours later and was returned home safely.
4:28 a.m. Officers responded to the 18 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a report of a pedestrian on the interstate.
10:44 a.m. Officers responded to McDonald’s, 8548 Grahamville Road, for an assault and battery. The incident remains under further investigation.
12:57 p.m. Officers responded to the 18 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving three vehicles. No injuries were reported.
4:13 p.m. Officers responded to the 20 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a motorist assist.
6:45 p.m. Officers responded to Grahamville Road for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
10:00 p.m. Officers responded to Dolphin Drive for a report of loud music.
12:05 a.m. Officers responded to the Quality Inn, 221 James L. Taylor Drive, for a report of two suspicious male subjects on the property.
12:07 a.m. A black Honda Civic was reported as driving recklessly at the 25 mile marker south bound on I-95.
1:22 a.m. A black Cadillac SUV was reported as driving recklessly at the 14 mile marker north bound on I-95.
2:28 a.m. Officers responded to Red Drum Street for a report of noises outside of a residence.
11:42 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Three Tee Circle for a welfare check.
12:18 p.m. A white Chevrolet Silverado was reported as driving recklessly at the 25 mile marker south bound on I-95.
3:19 p.m. A black Acura sedan was reported as driving recklessly at the 18 mile marker north bound on I-95.
4:59 p.m. Officers responded to the 18 mile marker north bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
5:16 p.m. Officers responded to the 20 mile marker south bound on I-95 for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles. No injuries were reported.
10:08 p.m. Officers responded to the Jasper County Detention Center, 12008 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, for a suspicious vehicle.
2:02 a.m. Officers responded to Enmarket, 8250 East Main Street, for a suspicious female on the property.
3:49 a.m. Officers responded to the BP Station, 80 Blue Heron Drive, for a suspicious female on the property.
11:18 a.m. Officers responded to the Piggly Wiggly, 10847 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, for vehicle collision involving two vehicles in the parking lot. No injuries were reported.
12:19 p.m. Officers responded to Burger King, 8257 East Main Street, for a vehicle collision involving two vehicles in the parking lot. No injuries were reported.
2:05 p.m. Officers responded to Shade Tree Street for a report of two dogs running at large.
11:53 p.m. Officers responded to Bay Tree Apartments, 107 1st Avenue, for a report of loud noise in the parking lot.
1:43 a.m. Officers responded to a residence on Shade Tree Street for a domestic dispute.
12:45 p.m. Officers assisted the Ridgeland Fire Department with a vehicle fire on North Jacob Smart Boulevard.
3:44 p.m. Officers spoke with a complainant on the telephone in reference to harassing phone calls they received at their place of employment.
3:51 p.m. Officers responded to PJ’s Coffee, 8026 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
5:39 p.m. Officers responded to North Jacob Smart Boulevard for damage to a vehicle.
10:35 p.m. A blue Ford Mustang was reported as driving recklessly at the 28 mile marker south bound on I-95. The vehicle was spotted at the 23 mile marker south bound and officers observed the vehicle traveling at 115 miles per hour. The driver was cited for the speeding violation.
12:24 a.m. Officers responded to New Hong Kong Restaurant, 8176 East Main Street, for an activated alarm.
9:42 a.m. Officers responded to Day’s Inn, 8216 East Main Street, for a suspicious person.
12:15 p.m. Officers responded to Heron Crossing Apartments, 29 Heron Crossing Road, for a suspicious phone call. A black Ford F-150 was reported as driving recklessly at the 16 mile marker north bound on I-95.
1:05 p.m. A black Ford F-150 was reported as driving recklessly at the 16 mile marker north bound on I-95.
4:07 p.m. Officers responded to B&T Food Fresh Market, 8205 East Main Street, in reference to a breach of trust by an employee. A warrant is being issued for Emil Lee Lawson for breach of trust.
8:11 p.m. A red Dodge Ram was reported as driving recklessly at the 22 mile marker south bound on I-95.
8:38 p.m. Officers responded to North Jasper Street in reference to children playing and being loud.
9:28 p.m. Officers responded to the Plantation Inn, 11483 North Jacob Smart Boulevard, to place a male subject on trespass notice at request of the business.